Cambur Blanco surge en Buenos Aires, Argentina, como un ensamble de rock fuertemente influenciado por la corriente de rock progresivo clásico de los ́70s, fundamentalmente Rush, King Crimson y Pink Floyd, pero también por artistas tan disímiles como Depeche Mode, Luis Alberto Spinetta y Radiohead. La formación no convencional de trío (guitarra, teclados, batería) explora tímbricamente un paisaje sonoro donde la idea fundamental es la canción, pero con fuertes viajes instrumentales. El concepto, las letras y la música son uno en las canciones de esta agrupación, que escribe en inglés siendo su lengua nativa el castellano “arrabalero” de Buenos Aires.
Cambur Blanco appears on Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a rock ensemble strongly influenced by the later The Beatles and the progressive rock classic ´70s scene, mainly Rush, King Crimson and Pink Floyd, but also from artists so different as Depeche Mode, Luis Alberto Spinetta and Radiohead. The initial non-conventional trio set-up (guitar, keyboards and drums) explore a kind of sound landscape where the song is the principal idea, but with strong instrumental passages. The concept, the lyrics and the music are one in the songs of this group, ocassionally writing in English being their native tongue the “arrabalero” spanish of Buenos Aires.
The band started as an idea in 2009-2010, mainly by Leandro Rodríguez (guitar&vocals), Mariano Salvay (bass&vocals) and Alejandro Volponi (keyboards). The first drummer Nerio Romero enters in 2011, and in that moment the band recorded a Live Session in Lb records studio, released in 2012. Romero leave the band, and after recording a few singles with Federico López on drums and doing an acoustic show, the first concept studio album suddenly was written and Matías Papapietro joined in as the definitive drummer. Just before the recording of it Salvay leave the band, so the three remaining musicians make the album happen. The Dreams And The Numbers on The Seawas released on 2014 by Brano Media and is available on Itunes, Amazon and Spotify, and was very well received on several shows on Buenos Aires. During the recording sessions of the album the band make The Journey, a massive 22-minute epic instrumental released at the end of the year. During 2015, the band recorded to shows: Live at NMO (released on January 2016) and Live at INARTEC (programmed release July 2016), both consisting of newer versions of released songs, some covers (Beatles, Rush, Spinetta) and some new. These last ones also form part of a new long concept album called Historia De La Luz: the recording schedule of this piece was programmed for July 2016.
Several things happened after: the main one was the incorporation of Gustavo Ucci on bass. The band re-formed, so re-arrangements of all the new songs were the principal duty, most of them during recording also. The group concentrated only in the recording of this concept album, Historia De La Luz. The musicians think that this one, released in 2018 and done in Gustavo Ucci´s own personal studio, is their magnum opus to date.